Skullcandy to Donate Part-Proceeds from Website Sales to Music Heals

Music Heals

10% of every sale in March supports Music Therapy Awareness Month

#STAYLOUD with Skullcandy this month, who are donating 10% of sales through their Canadian website throughout the month of March to celebrate Music Therapy Awareness Month!

Skullcandy has been a strong supporter of music therapy and Music Heals since our very beginning, and are the very reason why the Music Heals iPod Pharmacy exists today. Not only does Skullcandy power the iPod Pharmacy, but they donate headphones that you can win from Music Heals at any of our on-site activations at music festivals this summer.

This month, visit to purchase any headphones, speakers or accessories, and part proceeds will benefit music therapy programs in Canada.

Monday, Feb 27, 2017
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